
The Matlab available in HPC2 cluster can be run with 1 cpu (core) and up to the maximum number of cpus (cores) in the compute node with the Parallel Computing Toolbox. The supported toolboxes of Matlab can be found here. The instruction on job submission via SLURM is as follows.

Suppose you have prepared a Matlab script, say myapp.m, for your application, be sure to put the following statement at the end to exit Matlab


The sample job submission script with Slurm: hpc2_slurm_matlab.txt

Presume you have matlab working directory in your gpu home, place your matlab script and the slurm_matlab.txt there.

To submit the job,

sbatch hpc2_slurm_matlab.txt

To check your job status,

squeue -u $USER

The output file and slurm-<jobid>.out will be in the job submission directory.

To cancel the job,

scancel <jobid>